Le Parisian Hop(e)

Enviro-therapy: CO2 targeted
Le Parisian Hope
„Project alias: Digging”CO2 underground
Carbon Capture & Storage… ––– …or the Future.
There seems to emerge a vague outline of a consensus in the camp that bends before the existence of climate-change – though a camp of harsh denial is still on the stage to oppose until their last breath – agreeing on the issue that continuous and uncontrolled increase of atmospheric CO2 level has somehow a pivotal role in it. This CO2 level is inseparably parallel and undeniably glued to mankind’s ever-increasing demands:
·       Insatiable and unquenchable wish for energy beyond muscles,
·       Industry topping itself by churning out mountains of disposables,
·       Transportation governed by nonsense.
On comparing pros and cons regarding the far-fetched twins of mankind’s tender idiocies and the cool presence of atmospheric CO2, a series of meditations, led by Uppermost Globalized Lawful Institutes, resulted in selecting the latter for the role as of the final culprit. With the rolling industry and allies left thus intact, the joint brain-and body of the human race must in a sense turn even more industrious so as to keep the appointed airborne felon malefactor under the closest guard to avoid it bringing in the years to come no further harm to us. The process nowadays much celebrated and saluted to aspire for the distinction of a crown, on ground of being an all-effective cure, is named Carbon Capture and Storage, nicknamed as CCS.
Since CCS is at present so much in the center, there can be no good reason to seek for evasion; thus we ought to spend some studious thoughts on inspecting it closer. Below I venture to guide this kindling tour, to bring light and amusement on inspecting its core elements, which together will clearly explain why CCS’s aspiration for the crown is destined to doom.
To turn the sour into a smile, I promise to accompany you on the tour further, extending it until this wanted orphan crown finds its deserved place and subject but elsewhere.
A.)    Brief anatomy of CCS
Paris is sighing as in-slipped Climate-Summit. – may song a lulling entrée to the Event, with a touch of poetic tinge; just a wee-time after the rampant shootings by new-Parisians hit the headlines, complying blandly thus with humble expectations that prefer ruling out grand events to coincide – and, amidst harangued high hopes, in a sealed theatre closed for the competitive, before select people gathered from their fortresses, the Stage is set. From where morsels of news were let dripping, at a considerate rate, to those outside the door and eager to know and distribute it, like ecowatch and climatenewsnetwork.
The previous source thus repeats on November 25 that 156 Gt CO2 should not be produced (or must be removed, as you like) by 2035 to have the chance of remaining in accord with a pre-calculated scenario enabling not to surpass the fatal-forecast of +2oC increase with an odds that gives equal share to the devil. Adding, that a mere 24 Gt portion of the full 156 Gt can only be shouldered by the trusted CCS. Topping it with a meek clause that, to remain on the safe side, on part of CCS, there must be achieved with full satisfaction a complete list of suppositions, ifs, and unproven upscaling.

World Begins to Turn Its Back on Carbon

Alex Kirby, Climate News Network | November 25, 2015 9:43 am | Comments
… It warns that energy companies must avoid projects that would generate 156 billion tons of carbon dioxide (156Gt CO2) by 2035 in order to be consistent with the carbon budget in the International Energy Agency 450 demand scenario, which sets out an energy pathway with a 50 percent chance of meeting the 2C target…
Unproven Technology
Carbon Tracker’s analysis assumes that carbon capture and storage (CCS) will remove 24Gt of CO2 by 2035, but says this would require a huge expansion of CCS, a technology that remains unproven at a commercial scale and which many scientists doubt will work soon enough.
The latter source issues an even harsher conclusion. Their Paul Brown hails the awaking World even earlier, on July 2nd, with a wording that artfully indicates what good is CCS worth and where it is to be placeth. For, as he makes another push with his pen on the matter, the much-hoped-for CCS method – despite overwhelming nursing by mighty fathers of single-wit – is rather fit to sink instead of swim.

Carbon capture goes down the tubes

July 2, 2015, by Paul Brown

One of the much-heralded solutions to climate change which its supporters believe could enable the world to continue to burn fossil fuels looks likely to be a failure. LONDON, 2 July, 2015 – Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is backed by governments and the International Energy Agency (IEA) as one of the best methods of reducing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and saving the planet from overheating. The problem is that despite this enthusiasm and the fact that CCS (also called carbon sequestration) is technically possible, it is not happening. It is cheaper and easier to build wind and solar farms to produce electricity than it is to collect and store the carbon from coal-powered plants’ emissions. For years CO2 has been used by injecting it into old oil wells to extract more fuel, but the cost of building new plants just to store the gas is proving prohibitive. Hundreds of plants were expected to be up and running by 2030, but so far none has been built.
…Another problem is that the technology for removing carbon from fossil fuels, either before or after combustion, uses 40% more fuel to achieve the same amount of power. In conferences designed to promote the technology enthusiasts wonder how long they can continue, despite the “fine promises” that it was this technology that would save the oil and gas industry…
Espoused with the above information, with a lofty neglect over both their content and chronology, the International Energy Agency (IEA), backed by governments unspecified, are optimistic all round as to the fate of CCS. To reflect on the strongholds of their unchallenged optimism and to see what dubious details their steadfast obsession relies on as well, we must have a closer inspection on the main aspects CCS is renowned for.
1.) Far from being invisible (see above: climatenewsnetwork/Paul Brown), measures and calculations have already revealed that CCS-processing “requires 40% more fossil fuels than conventional technology to produce the same amount of energy” – due to necessary extra-steps. [Mandatory pre-investments are in another basket.]
This price, be it measured on whatever kind of balance or scrutinized from whatever angle, may draw a definite sigh of awe. The block-diagram of “Post-CombustionCCS-version[1], the simplest of all[a], is set on the figure below:
[a] The grand bustling in CCS-circles beget other arrangements invented, too. These – named short as “Oxyfuel” and “Pre-combustion[b] – are common in the following features: Due to the necessary extra-steps dictated by their inventors, the cost of investment as well as operation grows while energy gained is further halved.
And this is not joke. The “Pre-combustion” version starts with synthetizing “Syngas” first, which process however requires tremendous energy-input since the chemical reaction governed to go is highly endothermic. The “Syngas” sub-process adopted here has an extra feature: it requires pure oxygen instead of readily available air – to diminish necessary energy-input mentioned above by avoiding to heat up air’s ~80% nitrogen content. This, however, calls for a N2-O2 separation on a continuous high scale as part of the process, flagging a mighty encumbrance at the onset. The “Syngas” reaction (originally, to supply households prior natural-gas era: C + H2O = CO + H2; forced to proceed here further:
C + 2H2O = CO2 + 2H2), via a cumbersome routing, merely changes the final source of energy by converting carbon (as primary input) to hydrogen (extorted with difficulties); which latter, on its combustion, creates so high a temperature that would damage or melt the housing of the reactor unless cooled, whereby final energy gained is on a slope again.
[Creative engineering, no doubt, is able to solve coolly whatever extra-needs happen to emerge, even if minds astray find their peace in erratic ramblings.]
[b] To properly appreciate the diminished yield this sub-variant offers, it is better to confront it with climatenewsnetwork’s allusion that prompts a vision of a technology that is “removing carbon from fossil fuels, … BEFORE … combustion”. A carbon removal arranged before combustion may suggest for the innocents a burning scene which is flaming with myths of ultimate CO2 removal, all at the mere expense of dropping somehow carbon altogether out, leaving to meditations only where any energy would then come from.
2.) CO2 captured by CCS (and kept under pressure, liquefied) must then be sent to places destined for final storage, since the CCS-story is about carbon capture and storage, but with a vital step of transportation in between. This 3rd silent-partner, which adds colour and feeling to life at large, is to accept as normal, because the traffic needed to transport the huge amount of pressurized CO2 over great distances should neither abhor nor dismay anyone capable of pointing out how effectiveness of CCS is weakened further via amounts of CO2 emitted by this uncalled-for and swept-under-the-carpet phase of transportation, until others, in conference-parlors, packed with explanations reeking with false benefits, proclaim it otherwise. Therefore, a deep bow of epidemic scale and a concerted applause the rate of which recalls memories of bygone one-party systems must in hurry accompany the coming escalation of transportation triggered by CCS, before a desperate thinker tempts a sanity-check by asking: Why common goods are always on a tour around the Globe, shipped once hither then thither, losing slowly color, taste, and remembrance of origin. Otherwise there is no guarantee a fine day one comes up with a dream:
All CO2 attributable to the transportation related above
could at no cost effectively be annulled
by an ancient technology almost forlorn,
by consuming the goods where they have been produced.
3.) As a final pirouette, CCS makes arrangements to clear off its filial CO2 nursed through tortuous rendezvous. How? Via pumping it triumphantly underground; that is, into the unknown bowels of the beneath. In a belief it remains there. For a long term [c].

…Although CO2 has been injected into geological formations for several decades for various purposes, including enhanced oil recovery, the long term storage of CO2 is a relatively new concept…
…Storage of the CO2 is envisaged either in deep geological formations, or in the form of mineral carbonates. Deep ocean storage is no longer considered feasible because it greatly increases the problem of ocean acidification. Geological formations are currently considered the most promising sequestration sites.
…A general problem is that long term predictions about submarine or underground storage security are very difficult and uncertain, and there is still the risk that CO2 might leak into the atmosphere
[c] Oceans were targeted, too, by ambitious groups, in efforts to sink CO2 somehow, for CO2 is ready to dissolve in water. Time elapsed since enriched these teams with the following empirical observations as settled:
·      Solved CO2 turns water acidic by the simple chemistry of H2CO3 thus produced, which, by an induced shift in pH toward acidic, disrupts the basic harmony of life that exists in the Oceans. This is so because every living cell is a tiny aquatic environment, where life is normal only under strict pH value-range, which is mostly common for all forms of life on Earth. (A perfect news for those who slept over the last 100 years.)
·      To aim at lasting results, the pumping of CO2 must be carried out by targeting an introduction at the depth of several 1000 meters, since closer to the surface the flip between H2CO3 and CO2 would turn act and effort futile. (The ease of this flip is long reckoned again; part of curriculum in secondary school as well. The reversal flip is an everyday experience before the very nose of drinkers of either beer or champagne, too, about which no contemplative observer needs further explanation between his gulps.)
·      There are innate workings, however, which destroy the believed lasting result extorted by pumping CO2 real deep. One should observe that the incessant wanderings of the currents of Oceans turn deep-waters into surficial as they bump to continental shelves, whereupon the previously indicated flip inevitably happens; that is, great part of CO2 gets back to the atmosphere, despite all efforts. (Though, through the wee while beneath, it is capable of bringing to marine-life as much damage as it can.). (The turnarounds of streams is again not a fresh novelty.)
[These modern studious aberro-efforts may permit a bit of reflection: I am not to say that the backpack-treasure of the education of late ‘60s surpasses that of present days’, nor wish I suggest that all those who once had that treasure have lost its last morsel together with common sense, but it is certain a factor is working strong in the behind.]
Despite observations gathered already, and all taken during a relatively short time, CO2 pumped underground has a fate of being only a transitory visitor beneath unless it is somehow bonded chemically there. Which, by rewording the cautious statement of the source cited above, boils down to the warning: There is a definite risk the molested Earth would react to the ritual of pumping CO2 downward with farting back the total in-pumped on a fine day. A lie-in-the-dark technology that works unfailing even at its very first debut would then urgently be called for, should to our surprise that fine day come along.
Any hope for long-term safe disposal of CO2 in geological layers is tenable only if CO2 is bound irreversibly, that is chemically. Earth crust’s chemical structure offers practically no other alternative for free CO2 than to meet with and bond to active metal oxides. Unfortunately, metal-oxides that would serve the purpose went through this same process eons ego[d], and thus presently are at a sweet lull in Nature as forms of metal-carbonates, like limestone (CaCO3) and dolomite (Ca & Mg carbonate).
[d] Forms of ferric-oxide minerals, accessible at relatively low cost and in sufficient quantity, might come to rely on, though. Were this oxide sacrificed at large, however, there would be resulting an embarrassing aftermath: Once an iron-ore is carbonated at this altar, its later use as source for iron-industry is handicapped, as it would annul every CCS efforts done so far, since on reduction the carbonated-ore would fling all bonded CO2 back into the atmosphere.
Not to retire, the untiring diligence is reckless in search to find an appropriate mineral and, behold, surprises us with a fruit: a mineral named olivine[3] was found over the oxide-chase to hope suiting the case at last. This ore by structure is a magnesium-silicate that contains the magnesium in a kind of (untypical) oxide-form: available in sufficient quantities, and worthless otherwise in every regard as to the present. The magnesium-content of a mineral of such composition is liable indeed thermodynamically [i.e., in regards of energy-levels] to change into a usually more stable carbonate-form by reacting with CO2. Investigated kinetically however [that is, for magnitude of effective-speed], this special reaction is extremely slow, even at elevated temperature and high pressure. [Small wonder Nature has kept it in an “oxide” form.]
Now, if the Great-Plan is about
·       mining olivine out first,
·       then transporting it to CCS premises,
·       where it needs previous pulverization to feed reactors,
·       then to bubble a slow-rate stream of CO2 through,
·       while ensuring both high temperature and great pressure,
·       very probably in a stirred heterogeneous mixture (see [e] below),
·       then re-transporting the refuse to a place thought fit for,
·       where it is to be buried…
A day-dream of such elaboration would for the sane be uneasy to swallow and even more difficult to digest.[4]
[N.B.: The point of the hampering kinetic limit is said to have already been addressed [e]. To address the other points remained, CCS community needs an onrush of electrifying scientific papers to lessen or eliminate burdens accrued by mining, transporting back-and-forth, re-cultivation…]
[e] Alertness is always paying, however. If one takes the pain and reads the cited article’s summary[5], he may be somewhat confounded after finding therein no mention of olivine at all, in sharp contrast to naming calcium explicitly instead. A special facet of this catalytic reaction is however clearly set: it is to be carried out in stirred aqueous solution, since the reactants happen to be in heterogeneous phases. Which particular detail packs on the difficulties that are to govern decisions whether any perspectives in elaborating the olivine-route belongs to the realm of classical dreams or otherwise.
All in all, the list of difficulties to overcome for the self-congratulated CCS is probably no longer than indicated above – en route to targeting preset numbers engraved on papers, which claim the method to be sound for removing 24 Gt CO2 by 2035 from the 156 Gt total that were necessary to handle. [f]
[f] Despite combined effects of stumbles and mishaps, somersaults, and irrecoverable illnesses that have no cure for, steering infallibly towards a final stage of mature crippledom, CCS mirrors itself still as virulent to rule. Its main functions remain:
·       Devours at an admirable rate the capital allocable to finance any other research & development,
·       Pushes back while stomps on competitors so as to appear defiantly at the top.
With half an eye on the august principle of equal-opportunities routinely over-applied elsewhere, a few observer beyond the line would be glad to see CCS’s prima-donna role diminish somewhat.
B.)    Linkages
Relieved of analysis of CCS, let’s take now a fresh breath and follow another calculus, but along a DIFFERENT scheme.
Century’s wisdom has settled in a Hungarian saying, which a man of wit, or of certain maturity, or of experiences of his own, must hail with a somber nod, that claims:
There is little sagacity in building a fortress BASED on top of a heap of poop”.
[The previous analysis proffers a nice live exemplar.]
Below we show for the curious, how the unquestionable conclusion packed in the above maxim alters for its opposite immediately by a single change of substituting fortress for removal of CO2. To digest relations, one must keep in the forefront that the link between carbon and poop is nothing else but that the latter is a moist mixture of large molecules made of CARBON-skeleton. Which material is nowadays doomed to be destroyed by forced oxidation nicknamed as Sewage-treatment, releasing thereby quite an amount of CO2 as an offspring into the atmosphere, without ever trumpeting the sore fact wide or analyzing this feature publicly in the media that grinds untiringly over climate-aspects, including gatherings like Climate Summit – where CCS is plonked as an unchallenged star. And who is the sinner committing this crime? The Wastewater-management as a Corporate Body. They do this job in a torpor spell-bound by their self-applauded technology, rigging the public by multifold techniques at their left-hand via enlarging fears planted deep in civilization-coated hygiene-conscience set on false-alarms, while desperately wriggling amid self-flattering eulogy and an inextricable net woven of secrets about how to conceal their own prodigal wastes.
Apart with the sinner for a while, below we show through clear facts what else instead of fortress can be built on human dejecta at large. For this, we ought to make a rough calculation to estimate the amount of CO2 present-practice wastewater-managing flings with a blind eye into the atmosphere.
To start, let us fix that 1 person produces 500g dejecta per day. (Skeptical theoreticians are allowed to retire for a cozy self-control and introduce their own factor for correction.) Approximately half of this amount is water, leaving thus only the fate of 250g solid carbonaceous material to follow. Sewage-industry by its forced oxidation turns roughly half of it to inorganic CO2 gas and leaves the rest-half un-wrestled but slightly altered, for their own baffle, naming this remnant as sewage-sludge and calling for urgent business to get rid of, before it buries the parent-industry in whole deep.
At this stage of our calculation we better halt for a little digression.
One can be curious to see where the value of 50% stated above comes from. All the more so, because carrying out close studies on poop is not fervently embraced by any faculty of Academy, leaving us sadly without concrete percentage to rely on. Despite this irking hiatus, the following statements are absolutely sure:
·       reactions go by oxygen take-up;
·       carbon-chains suffer breakage;
·       N&P-containing functional-groups convert (sooner or later) to inorganic nitrates & phosphates.
Subtleties as to which structural part of any molecules present suffers only partial oxidation (and thus its carbon-content will go to be part of the sludge) and which structure is “soft enough” to undergo total oxidation (that is, its carbon-content flies off as CO2 gas) is, as mentioned cursorily, has not yet been brooded over to satisfy scholarly demands. [A survey on present trends of academic research bespeaks for a disastrously stagnant interest in peeping deep in poop.]
Thus, we follow course using the arbitrary 50% value after returning empty-handed by fathoming academics, except that the train of thought will be split. One of the 2 scenario outlined below is sure to ensue, validating thus connected conclusion. It is then up to your taste to choose which one is to be loved more.
1st version: Here we take granted that 50% of 250g organic-bound carbon disperses to the atmosphere in form of CO2 gas. The carbon-content of 125g dry dejecta thus “evaporated” is somewhere in between 70g and 100g. [The exact value depends partly on what type of macromolecules dominate the mixture (fibrous materials made of carbohydrate-like structure lessens the value because the molar ratio of C:O therein is roughly 1:1) and partly on their differences in ease of oxidability.] To remain on the safe side, let’s fix that 85g carbon-content gets oxidized to the final fate of becoming CO2. Since the molar-weight ratio of C:CO2 is 12:44, this translates to 311g CO2 per person a day. Meaning 114 kg CO2 per person a year. If 6 billion[g] inhabitants is taken, this extra-CO2 burden climbs up 0.684 Gt for a year, which sums up to 13.7 Gt CO2 over the 20 year period till 2035. [h]
This calculated 13.7 Gt CO2 is now something to ponder, in order to tincture the blessings of the present sewage-handling concept – had a Body conferencing with vigour on the hows of reducing atmospheric CO2 level had ear, eye, and brain to perceive and confront the told.
[g] Counting with Earth’s presently living 7.5 billion inhabitants, or even taking into account the increase expectable till 2035, would certainly give a higher value. With a moderation that counts only with 6 billion participants, we chose to make a compensation partly for the infants and partly for the starving millions, both subclasses being a reduced contributor of the primary.
[h] 2 factors may play a further role in modifying this value.
Down-correction is justified if we admit that Wastewater-management in its present form is far from being ever-present in the most densely populated underdeveloped regions – though a forced march to close the gap is perceptible there, too, under the ever-fascinating name of progress.
Up-correction is justified when manure of livestock-farming happens to mingle with municipal wastewater. Documentation, authenticated by statistics, on such arrangements is unavailable officially, though. One thing is sure, however: 1 cattle excretes nonchalantly as much as 10 ambitious men. Further up-correction comes from the scrapping sent down the kitchen-sink, soap & body-care products as well as detergents & cleansing chemicals used in the bathroom and kitchen, because all these sent-offs are in chemical sense mixtures of organic compounds, which have one thing in common: an oxidizable carbon-skeleton.
2nd version: Here we regard all those complementary cases where direct CO2 formation as a result of sewage-treatment is below 50%, including a slope down to nil. This, due to the balance of matters, translates to an elevated amount of sewage-sludge. Which needs handling. The most celebrated method that lately came to hand and spreading fast is the so-called Biogas-industry, which converts the sludge, preferably on the premises, and feeds back the energy gained from the biogas produced into the main process. The gain as communicated is twofold: first, it acts shining on the profit-side by decreasing electricity-bill of the sewage-plant; second, it waves vehemently a green-profile outward, to cheat sympathy from the manipulable crowd. At the pardonable price that CO2 release practicably may double: Since, by turning all the sludge first to biogas, then by combusting the latter to energy, here all carbon-content meets its fatal final CO2 fate.
Which boils down to an easy doubling of CO2 spent to the atmosphere, as compared to the amount calculated under “1st version”.
[To mend a loophole uncovered: Suppose, during a specially led wastewater-treatment process, direct CO2 release is marginal and the sludge produced thereby is left intact. But then, where to deposit the sludge? Agricultural use would seem natural, were it not poisoned by heavy-metals, process-chemicals like polyelectrolytes (applied for nothing else but to decrease transportation-costs via lessening the enormous water-content of the sludge somewhat) , and other dangerous wastes emitted by diverse industrial processes, whose effluents are all sent to the same pipe whereto otherwise harmless household end-waters are emptying. So, if Wastewater-management of the said type clears itself from sly CO2 release, it still commits sufficient other crimes. Only one thing remains to ponder for the meditative: whether Wastewater-management is the felon and CCS is a cheater, or vice versa.]
C.)    The Foundling
Suppose now for a split-second,
·       city-dwellers and people of the land,
·       ombudsmen and legal objects otherwise,
·       academics and people of the street,
·       housewives and Shining Stars of Hollywood,
·       protesters and arresters,
·       demonstrators and those without monsters,
·       lovers and killers
that we can abandon this present wastewater-treatment process that generates so many problems, among which only one hidden trick is CO2 production “from the depth of a hat”: because ways are open to devise and even to implement a method that is devoid of ALL problems presently-ruling Wastewater-management is infamous for. [i]
Were such a method existing, the stealthily released ~14 Gt CO2 sent to the atmosphere by traditional wastewater-treatment (see 1st version above) would come to nil – which amount is straight comparable with the 24 Gt amount CCS’s commissaries vow their methods assumedly would remove.[j]
[j] In case of “2nd version” a double amount is at stake: the total carbon content of the sludge in this case equals 28 Gt CO2, whereby the gap is closing fast. Because the 24 Gt CO2 peak-performance of CCS, backed by bold calculations set on soft paper, must at the same time be back-corrected; knowing that CCS uses up for its own needs 40% more fossil fuels, that subsequent transportation of liquefied CO2 together with diverse “pumping-down” techniques consume significant further energy: all translatable to CCS’ inseparable CO2 “footprint”.
[i] Though criticism of helpless lamentations that hallmark Climate Summit after Climate Summit is well earned, we hereby wish to step further to direct and focus the beaming public’s attention on Wastewater-management as kind of an Enviro-Tragic HUB: Honorable Unbelievable Bullshit. Beyond having illuminated above CCS’s pretenses as the object in focus, we call below a brief attention to a natural replacement for wastewater-treatment. In short: An almost Unbelievable medication for this HUB of too many sins can smoothly be effected by throwing its Honorable part in a trash-bin; while handling with tender care the Bullshit-part, without ever letting it come in close-touch with water, in a composting-bin.
Now, let the GLAD NEWS be announced, and allowed to share and race around the World:
The method above hypothesized already EXISTS.[6]
·       Tested and trusted.
·       What’s more: it practically neither requires nor consumes any energy.
·       Horribile dictu: other benefits accompany it prodigiously, as a bonus exempt of any charges.
Yet, when the method is put to a public test by rubbing shoulders with crowds of ideas of extravagances to compete with, it suffers from a twofold drawback. First, because it plain and bold declares to be on a friendly term with our poop – a matter even those rumoured to be the most open-minded are reluctant to grasp. Second, because the solution comes from an “unknown”: it is the lifework of Joseph Országh, by profession a chemist, a 1956 Hungarian émigré to Belgium, whose ideas and works thus are unhappily rather confined by his 2nd-tongue to the ever-diminishing and marginalizing French-speaking world.
Driven by a mind and conscience of a scientist who prefers understanding and solution instead of churning out papers, he soon worked out himself from the publish or perish type career that is widely employed for a smooth climb towards the safe heights of Academies. He thereby became known among his fellow-scientists as a creature of peculiarities better not to be in common with, if for no other reason than for seeing him work relentlessly even without the usual support, finances and moral included.

He names his system Eutarcie, for it declares water to be in the center, but the system grew so wide that it practically covers the health of the whole Biosphere. It is only a single yet pivotal aspect of his system that the poop, in sharp contrast to ruling Wastewater-management, is not annihilated.[k]
[k] Not even by throwing the unhappy material to the bottomless receptacle of “Biogas-industry”. Which is the newest celebrity unrecognized as yet for devouring our future with a ghastly appetite. A prudent composting arrangement may at the same time offer utilization of the heat produced, leaving all the value the compost at the end may have intact. [The “compost-boiler” chapter is however rather in its infancy.]
Instead, carbon and other content of our wastes gets bound: thousand-times more effectively and million-times safer than any CCS pump-down method would make us believe. And, at the same course, it brings about billion-times more benefit to strengthen Nature – among which only one side-effect is that contributes administering automatically atmospheric CO2 level. [l] How?
An easily achievable arrangement allows Nature to work for itself:
·      Poop turns by way of composting into humus.
o   By an indigenous trick that eliminates the nauseating odor-effect, well below the level usually tolerated in the solitude while riding the flush-toilet.
·      This trick is achieved by use of another waste-material available in abundance from agriculture etc., via adding a shovelful of it to cover the excreted.
o   Turning thus these agriculture waste-materials from problem-source into an added value, too.
·      Accumulating thus the carbon-content of both, built at the end into the topsoil.
o   Whereby its structure, health, water-retaining power and fertility all increase.
Because this humus is inherently rich in N&P still organic-bound, due to nothing else but poop’s and urine’s organic-bound N&P content, which eluded thereby the haughty fame of being oxidized to inorganic by Wastewater-specialists at the dubious altar of hygiene.
[To compare: The inorganic N&P “fertilizers” – churned out at great expenses against good senses; to compensate for the lost value obliterated by poop-ostracizer environmental-hygienists clad in scaphanders via intricate technology – are much less accessible for plants. Instead, the huge amount of these “fertilizers” scattered yearly over the fields is an obvious source of poison, which turns ground-waters nitrate-ridden underhand and promotes soil-erosion to soar – to name only a few consequences.]
[l] And this brings us to the core: While herds of luminaries are rummaging their dedicated brain for solutions to cover the
·       worries regarding CO2 hysterics,
·       mishaps around sewage-treatment,
·       nuisances about freshwater resources,
·       nightmares of soil erosion,
·       depletion of phosphate reserves,
·       and many a sinister offspring accompanying our “life as normal” attitude to bother about,
Ø  Each   as   Separate items,
Ø  Only to raise innumerable new conflicts between each other including the target itself – steering in the meanwhile costly cumbersome curtailing arsenals…
Ø  All in a joint Body, whose bland efforts spreads to the uttermost for evading recognition of the sheer fact the humblest creature may discern:
Principles organized
to work hand-in-hand with Nature
offers a solution
without conflicts between whatever domains.

The greatest merit of Országh’s lifework Eutarcie
is about planting this recognition into the focus of workings.
D.)    To Sum up:
A.)    We have dissected a method (CCS) that holds itself a prospective claimant to efficiently deal with the nagging level of atmospheric CO2 – to reveal the candidate bound for life to remain in its cradle.
B.)    We have then touched upon another method (Wastewater-management), which stealthily emits CO2 at large while scatters many other nasty problem around – that aspires to make us believe it standing erect and beaming benignly as a caring Father of all orders.
C.)    Whereby we arrived to a neglected method (Eutarcie) put officially and otherwise into inflexible if not draconian confines – which offers natural solutions that handles with ease all those problems and aftermaths the previous two method generates.
This tortuous story was set to paper to demonstrate again: The 2015 Climate-Summit in Paris closed just as the 1970 Club of Rome did: Solutions that work did not ever happen to come even near the far vicinity of their agenda. Which – endorsed by a lapse of half a century without a step ahead – might call an ineluctable attention to scrutinize and digest Eutarcie.

(Translation of the Hungarian original, born December 6, 2015)
(The original is part of a book “Fuggerth Endre: Szenny és Víz”, available through http://www.konyvmuhely.hu/konyvek/szenny-es-viz)
April 28, 2019             

[2] See „Table 3-2 Pre Combustion Energy Losses and RD&D Needs” and introductory lines above the item, in http://hub.globalccsinstitute.com/publications/pre-combustion-co2-capture-%E2%80%93-challenges-future-direction#fnr_3
[4] Further facts in „CO2 Mineral Sequestration Studies in US” https://web.archive.org/web/20031207120418/http://www.netl.doe.gov/publications/proceedings/01/carbon_seq/6c1.pdf, especially under „Technical Challenges and Program Goals” and „Rapid Progress” subtitles.
[5] Nickel nanoparticles catalyse reversible hydration of carbon dioxide for mineralization carbon capture and storage, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 1234-1239 (http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2013/cy/c3cy20791a#!divAbstract )
[6] EAUTARCIE: How to Become Independent of Public Water Supply and Wastewater Networks. Prospects on Keeping Climate Change in Check http://www.eautarcie.org/en/index.html

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