Managing CO2

Managing CO2

 Climate Crisis: a .Global address.
“Dead  serious”.

Our beloved World at present, before our very nose, is seen bleeding profusely from at least a 100 wounds. I am here not to enumerate all – to avoid the blunder of naming inadvertently only 99, and thereafter getting rebuked by those who feel that one of their argument is weighty enough to sweep away 99 of others’.
So, now I feel no special inclination to deal with all the 99. For this mighty job the believers might turn their faces towards their God, the duped and infatuated are free to visit their tell-what-to-do prophets, those filled with concerned sobriety – in lack of such propensities – may fathom the well of their doubts.
This of my humble venture is nothing else but to join the club that is collecting advocates from every walk of life in growing number desperately, which seeks for the medicine that cures the World out of its “atmospheric CO2 problem”.
·                   Without giving up the untenable concept of increasing industrial production beyond limits.
·                   Without giving up the comfort of everybody driving a 4-seated car everywhere alone around the clock.
·                   Without ever giving a single thought to the bombastic increase of air-flight traffic, which (though hailed with salute by tourist-industrialists) not only worsens the atmospheric CO2 level but by its NOx by-effect up in the stratosphere contributes heavily to the ailing situation of the agonizing ozone-shield. [Which, however, promotes sun-milk sales, offers fresh impetus to skin-cancer research, and our refreshing outings may in a time-saving manner be rerouted into safe and shaded air-conditioned arenas.]
To be brief: Without endangering, imperiling, jeopardizing any process or habit that works trusted and trouble-free in boosting our atmospheric CO2 level.

Amongst these lurks a relative newcomer, smiling politely under the guise of hygiene, a process which by way of forced oxidation destroys the “dark-side” of our life, the ostracized poop.
Ø     Pushing CO2 thereby (“out of the blue”) into the atmosphere, unnecessarily. (The effect is not among the issues ever thought fit to discuss publicly.)
Ø     Pumping NO3- into ponds and rivers. (The effect is marginalized.)
Ø     Managing their waste with rascal dexterity: the unwanted-remnants of the process is generously re-defined as kind of a “bio-use” product, to help get rid of the stock by way of retail, turning the problem of where to dump this uncanny trash into a “luvable” profit. [To clear off this dried-sludge, which is a euphemism for the ‘poop tortured’, Regulation and Legitimation walk hand in hand with the intent. And, while its ad-profile is snow-white and attractive, no words are spent on the fact that heavy-metal constituents and other dangerous waste of the industry, pharmaceutical products consumed by the ill, accumulate nowhere but in this sludge, due to centralized waste-water management, whereto household-runoff arrives combined with industrial end-waters, the latter being notoriously prone to a quality determined by trade-off calculated by payable penalty against cost of clearing. So, this ‘bio’ pre-named sell-ware, in an honest moment, would better embrace the name of an honorary poison-capsule.]
This is the short-story of municipal waste-water treatment. Which is now enforced to rural communities, without any change, by sheer force of a self-applauded technology, sweeping away questions, appeals, alternatives.
Disregarding thus a system elaborated by Joseph Országh, that works smooth as Nature (bearing the name of EUTARCIE: a name is but a name), which circumvents any blunder the ongoing waste-water plants are committing. Namely:
ü     The feared poop is converted into prime compost (by use of agricultural waste-materials), easily, without the inconvenience of odor, without the need of extra-energy input.
ü     Whereby Nature-bond nitrogen is kept still organic-bound, solid; that is, there is no NO3- effect whatsoever.
ü     There is no connected industrial-scale CO2 release, because the carbon-skeletons of the large-molecules in the mixture suffer only minor changes via the bacterial route applied here and (in sharp contrast to the presently ruling method criticized above) never gets forcefully oxidized to its thermodynamic final stage of CO2 and water. Instead, this N+P primed compost (its elevated N+P content comes nowhere but from our poop!) serves not only as a fertilizer much superior to the industrial equivalent produced at high costs + energy + “CO2 foot-print”, but (by turning slowly but spontaneously into humus) helps the soil to keep its structure and retain water more effectively. In short: this full&primed compost helps to reverse soil erosion, to increase its health, to affect life bound to it advantageously.
Nevertheless: a bustling scientific activity is all around, each deep in a desperate search after an omnipotent spade-and-shovel method which can be turned instrumental in digging and burying atmospheric CO2 somehow under the earth – including the armchair-approach of I raise up my voice.
Since the long-ready, effective and ultra-low-cost EUTARCIE method till date is collecting beyond dust only bountiful rebuff from both top-specialists and policy-makers – exactly like the Hungarian point of view regarding the crisis present-day migration has brought to Europe collected only slaps in the face, humiliation and ridicule within the walls of Brussels for so long – for the period of incalculable hostilities I hereby propound an interim method to cope with this nagging CO2 problem.

The polite learned world may rediscover that the earth and soil abounds in limestone. Limestone chemically is CaCO3, which contains carbon (C), which came once from atmospheric CO2, which gas (by having reacted long ago with geologically available active forms of Ca) got thereby bound firm in a solid.
Suppose we had further free calcium (Ca). This element, being chemically rather active, would not stand in itself: it would spontaneously react with readily available atmospheric CO2 (and O2), to end up in CaCO3, thus effectively removing further CO2 from the CO2-ridden atmosphere.
But: where to get an extra calcium from?
The imminent solution hails to us from the FINANCE-sector of our age.
The topmost institute that governs Global Economy, The Federal Bank of America, has at long last removed the old-fashioned necessity of keeping a gold-reserve to serve as a parity for dollar. Thus, losing function, gold itself became a sheer burden to store. It is high time therefore to discover ways for utilization, such as changing it artificially to calcium. A nuclear reaction which answers the point in good yield via safe manipulations may require unplanned and unforeseen investments, however. Exceptionally fortunate at this juncture is the forerunners’ visionary step that has made the dollar independent of gold, which act from now on allows unlimited printing of money to counteract any difficulties en route and to finance the project till the brink of infinity.
To spread the idea and gather wide social acceptance for the approach, it is not untimely to start airing about ceremonial-awards for those who contribute to this grandiose plan by offering their family-gold, in forms of necklaces, with a pendant proportional in weight with the contribution, made of LIMESTONE.

April 5, 2017  (Hungarian original written on October 19, 2015)

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