
A woe-pill to let face your mad-self
The Omnipotent & Obvious Paradigms for Survival (OOPS)
Mankind is mortal
especially without Water to drink
this compels us
to Beget
to Treat our Used waters
to Achieve Better we must be Studious about
Possible Ways of Breeding
Methods, sub-Methods, sub-sub-Methods
Trends of Best Promises – as of the present
Mannerly Pregnancy
Municipal Sewage Treatment
the Pros
1.) Man is claimed to be the stronger sex, he is to take the heavier role.
2.) Woman liberated from parturition is free to emancipate.
3.) The “product” does not encumber any of the parties, the nursling gets all from Society.
1.) There is nothing simpler than the all-in-one bin.
2.) Admitting this turns all clean-water pee-pooed, there’s no need to worry until belief in creativity throbs strong.
3.) Should this throb slacken, Future is always a resort at hand for “research”.
Devices to promote
1.) Obliterate marriage, support singly-life
2.) Give impetus to gay-love, with a bonus of letting them adopt healthy babies.
3.) Open Nobel-prize for gender sciences.
4.) To eradicate any failure: Prepare for Cloning.
1.) Propagate the maxims above unrelenting.
2.) Implement fast, irrevocably.
3.) Should any alternative route emerge, opt for the verdict of those with the greyest grey-matter.
4.) Curb the crowd strong. Impose fine made legal by letters devoid of meaning but enacted as law, pinching those with criticism, proposal, plan, or a better-working design.
May I collect your approval to start a Global Consultation for endorsement?

February 21, 2020      [transposing the Hungarian original of May 2, 2017]

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